Make a donation

We are able to build homes and help preserve our community because of the generous donations that we receive. They are many ways to donate; financial support, donation of services, donation of materials or ReStore items, to name a few.

By setting up a $5 (cost of a cup of coffee) or $10 (cost a sandwich) monthly donation, you help sustain Habitat efforts to provide housing in a critical, ongoing way. Click above to become a Habitat Sustainer today!

Habitat for Humanity of Martha's Vineyard is recognized as an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code.

Make a one time financial donation.

Habitat for Humanity of Martha's Vineyard is recognized as an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code.

We are always looking for land for our next project. If you are considering a demolition, we may be able to relocate your old house. If relocation is not feasible, we can help keep these items out of landfills by using them in our projects, or connecting them with people who can use them.

Donated professional services have an enormous impact on our projects leading to faster completion times and financial efficiency. Carpenter, plumbers, electricians, lawyers and more.

Become a Sustainer
from $5.00 every month